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Pfennigwerth, AA, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer. Trait variation along elevation gradients in a dominant woody shrub is population-specific and driven by plasticity. Accepted, AoB PLANTS.

Pfennigwerth, AA, JK Bailey, M Van Nuland, JA Schweitzer. Seeing the forest for the soil: plant-soil biota interactions mediate forest responses to disturbance, but only in the right light. In revision.


Connell, RK, AA Pfennigwerth, AT Classen, C Kwit. 2016. Incorporating redispersal microsites into myrmecochory in eastern North American forests. Ecosphere 7:e01456.

Van Nuland, ME, IM Ware, L Mueller, R Wooliver, AA Pfennigwerth, Q Read, JA Schweitzer, J Bailey. 2016. Plant-soil feedbacks: connecting ecosystem ecology and evolution. Functional Ecology 30:1032-1042.

Wooliver, R, AA Pfennigwerth, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer. 2016. Plant functional constraints guide macroevolutionary trade-offs in competitive and conservative growth responses to nitrogen. Functional Ecology 30:1099-1108.

Pfennigwerth, AA, Albritton, JA, Evans, T. Six years of progress and novel method development for wetland detection and inventory in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. To be submitted to Park Science June 2017.

Technical reports and popular science

Pfennigwerth, AA, JA Schweitzer. The great survivor: Rhododendron maximum varies across gradients in the southeastern US. In press, Journal of the American Rhododendron Society.

Pfennigwerth, AA. 2015. Wading into the unknown: modeling wetland habitat suitability in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Technical Report submitted to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Gatlinburg, TN.

Pfennigwerth, AA, SE Kuebbing. 2013. Direct costs associated with invasive non-native plants in Tennessee. Wildland Weeds 15:4-6.

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